Rotork Wireless Valve Monitoring

Components of wireless valve monitoring system Rotork RI
Wireless valve monitoring system
Courtesy Rotork
Rotork, a global leader in valve automation, has introduced a new wireless valve position monitoring system that transmits real-time valve position indication to a central control location. The RI Wireless product line is certified Zone 1 Intrinsically Safe and intended for application in new and existing facilities in process industries and utilities.

In operation, each valve will have a Valve Monitoring Device (VMD) installed on the existing or new actuator using industry standard interfaces. The VMD gathers data from the actuator and transmits it across a network established using other routing hardware that is part of the total system. A software package provides the final connection to a receiving monitor or controller using industry standard connections.

There is more to be learned about the operation and benefits of the wireless valve monitoring system. The document included below provides description of the various devices that comprise the complete system, as well as the benefits that can be derived from its deployment. Reach out to a valve automation specialist and share your requirements and challenges. Combining your process knowledge with their product application expertise will produce effective solutions.

Predictive Emissions Monitoring Systems

Fossil fuel burning electric power plant
Predictive emissions montioring can be used for meeting
compliance requirements
Around the world, air quality standards require various levels of emissions monitoring to assure that excessive levels of harmful chemicals are not spread throughout the environment. The monitoring of emissions involves the application of sensors and processing equipment to provide information regarding the amount of specific pollutants discharged by a plant or process.

A continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS) consists of equipment necessary for determining the concentration of a gas or particulate matter, or emission rate, using analyzer measurements and subsequent data processing to provide results in units pertaining to an emission limitation or standard. This type of monitoring system is applicable where required by statute or regulation, but can also be used to provide valuable combustion or process efficiency data to plant operators.

A predictive emissions monitoring system (PEMS) employs an empirical computer model which will relate the inputs of a combustion system (air and fuel) to the emissions produced by the process. Once the model is established for a particular installation, the emissions can be predicted continuously with accuracy in the range of CEMS. There are instances where this type of system will fulfill governmental compliance requirements, in place of CEMS. PEMS can also be deployed as a complement to a hardware based CEMS. Plant conditions and an engineering evaluation will determine the best implementation of emissions monitoring equipment and systems to meet regulatory requirements and provide the level of risk management needed.

Share your emissions compliance and monitoring requirements with combustion and instrumentation experts. The combination of your process knowledge and their product application expertise will produce effective solutions.

Trunion Mount Ball Valves in Double Block and Bleed Assembly

Double block and bleed valve assembly
Double block and bleed valve assembly
Valbart - Flowserve

The nature of some processes, as well as applicable industry standards, can call for a specific valve arrangement that provides isolation of a piping section with a safety factor not inherent in a standard stop valve.

Combined into a single compact unit, a double block and bleed valve consists of two trunnion mounted ball valves and a third smaller valve. While it is possible to employ other valve types in place of the ball valves, the trunnion mounted ball valve is well suited for the heavy duty applications involved in the oil and gas industry.

Each of the ball valves serve to block the process flow and the third valve serves as the bleed or drain valve for the space between the two block valves. Combining both ball valves into a single unit reduces leakage paths, weight, and installation complexity.

In addition to serving as a positive isolation valve set, a double block and bleed is also applied in meter calibration. Calibration of the meters used for custody transfer must be accomplished with a confirmed zero flow rate. Any valve leakage has the potential to impart an offset of the zero value on the meter, resulting in continuously incorrect readings. Closing off the flow with a double block and bleed valve, draining the inter-valve space with the bleed valve, then monitoring the bleed port for any continued flow can confirm zero flow in the metered line.

Share your process piping and fluid control challenges with an application specialist, combining your process knowledge with their product application expertise for the most effective solutions.

Liquid Flow Measurement - Magnetic Flow Meters

electro magnetic flow meter flow measurement
Magnetic Flow Meter Assembly
There are many technologies available for measuring liquid flow in industrial fluid processes. Each method has its own set off attributes that will make it an advantageous selection for some applications. A familiarity with those attributes can help you make an effective selection.

Magnetic flow meters, also called electromagnetic flow meters or "magmeters", operate on a very simple principal. An electrically conductive liquid moving through a magnetic field will generate a voltage that is related to the velocity of the liquid. Magnetic flow meters have no moving parts and present little to no pressure drop to the piping system into which they are installed. It is a flow-through device and does require the cross section of the pipe to be completely filled by the subject fluid in order to produce a useful reading.

Some characteristics of magnetic flow meters.

  • Sensor assembly has no moving parts.
  • The subject fluid must be electrically conductive.
  • Measurement reflects fluid velocity and is not impacted by viscosity, density, or static pressure.
  • Other than regular calibration and operational checkout, no maintenance requirements.
  • Produces velocity reading only. Need other inputs to produce a mass flow value.
  • Bidirectional flow measurement is possible.
  • Little or no pressure drop associated with the instrument.
  • Comparatively higher in weight.
  • Accurate measurements require entire pipe cross section to be full of fluid.
There is more to know. A data sheet is included below that details the Azbil Smart Two-wire Magnetic Flowmeter. For even more information, reach out to a process measurement specialist and share your flow measurement challenges. Combining your process knowledge with their product application expertise will lead to the most effective solutions.

Electric Valve Actuator - Inner Workings

electric valve actuator with manual handle Rotork IQ3
IQ3 Electric Actuator
Rotork's IQ3 electric actuator is one of the most advanced and full featured valve actuators available today. The IQ3 incorporates many innovative features which expand its functionality, making it an advantageous choice for many industrial applications. In just the latest generation, a number of new features have been incorporated (from Rotork website).
  • New intuitive user interface
  • Advanced dual stacked display with configurable datalogger functionality
  • Toughened glass screen plus optional environmental shield
  • Setting tool with secured Bluetooth® connection
  • High reliability, solid-state controls (multi-turn variants)
  • Reduced internal wiring and connections
  • Simplified torque sensor (multi-turn variants)
  • Simple and robust absolute position sensor with high reliability and accuracy
  • New thrust base design (multi-turn variants)
  • Separable gearbox/thrust base across the range (multi-turn variants)
  • Advanced real-time status reporting
The video below provides a display of the parts assembly of an IQ3 actuator. The mechanically inclined should find it interesting. You can get more detail on the IQ3 series of actuators for every application from a product specialist. Share your valve and actuator challenges with experts and get the best available solutions.